Impact That Trancends Time
The decision to leave a legacy gift is a personal one that can help you realize your dream of providing for future generations of Trafalgar students. Legacy gifts can be a bequest made through your:
Life Insurance
Shares of Stocks, RRSP/RRIFs, TFSAs or annuities
By including Trafalgar Castle School in your estate plans, you will provide a simple yet profound way to establish an enduring legacy. In your will you can provide support for areas most important to you or areas identified as a priority by the Head of School.
Consider your giving options
- A percentage of your estate
- A percentage of the residue of your estate
- A specific gifts amount
- Enjoy the asset during your lifetime
- Receive tax benefits on your estate, providing the most financial return for your beneficiaries
- You can update your Will if your financial situation or intentions change
Sample Wording For Your Will
“I give the sum of $_____ to Trafalgar Castle School Foundation,
Whitby, ON for the purpose of supporting the highest priority needs
as determined by the Head of School and approved by the Board of
“I give the sum of $______ to Trafalgar Castle School Foundation,
Whitby, ON for the following purpose(s) _______(specify the program
or area)
“I give ____% of the residue of my estate to Trafalgar Castle School
Foundation, Whitby, ON for the purpose of supporting the highest
priority needs as determined by the Head of School and approved by
the Board of Directors.”
Information You May Need
For Your Will
Trafalgar Castle School
401 Reynold Street
Whitby, ON L1N 3W9
Charitable Registration Number:
11296 8209 RR0001
How To Give
Click here to donate online using Visa, Mastercard or American Express.
By Phone
By Cheque
Donations made payable to Trafalgar Castle School may be sent to:
The Advancement Office
Trafalgar Castle School
401 Reynolds Street
Whitby, ON
L1N 3W9
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