International Women’s Day at Trafalgar

On March 8, people around the country come together to celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023 in Canada. It’s a global day organized annually that recognizes and celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

This year, the Government of Canada’s Theme for IWD is ‘Every Woman Counts’. Internationally, the theme is ‘Embrace Equity.’ As an all-girls school Trafalgar recognizes the achievements of our students, colleagues and women in our society everyday but on IWD we celebrate the many differences women are making in our community and around the world.

Leading up to IWD students had the opportunity to take part in STEM Creative Destruction Lab’s (CDL) International Women’s Day Watch Party. The virtual event showcased women in the world of innovation and tech who are changing the industry. Sonia Sennik, an engineer and Executive Director of CDL shared with the 170 participants from around the globe, “There is no right or wrong way to participate in the industry. It’s about engaging and bringing light and joy in all that you do.”

During assembly to mark IWD Dr. Foster echoed Sonia’s thoughts on engaging one another and demonstrating kindness. She also talked about the difference between equality and equity. “Equal rights doesn’t always mean equal outcomes. It’s the whole idea of people starting from different places in the race and equity attempts to make sure that not only are people at the same place in the starting line but maybe some people need a bit of a head start.”

She encouraged students to engage and emphasized, “When we embrace equity, we embrace diversity and inclusion.”

Other famous quotes shared by students during assembly included, “One woman can make a difference, but together we can rock the world,” ( and “The success of every woman should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on,” Serena Williams.

Together we wish all of our students, staff, faculty and alumnae an IWD that inspires and reminds you that your dreams are within reach!