From daily swimming, rock climbing, court and field sports to archery, robotics, music, crafts, weekly entertainment and more, Trafalgar Castle School’s summer camp offers endless fun! Add the experience of summer days spent at a Castle and you have a summer camp experience that won’t be forgotten!


Summer Camp logo


9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
June 30 to August 22

Learn more about weekly camp themes and other important information about our summer camp by downloading our Summer Camp 2024 brochure.

Summer Camp Activities

Daily Swimming
Court Sports
Field Sports
Rock Climbing

Daily Swimming
Court Sports
Field Sports
Rock Climbing

Lunch, along with a morning and afternoon snack is served daily.

Program Rates

Day Camp Program

(Co-ed, Ages 4-12)

Weeks 2 – 5, 7 and 8:


Weeks 1 and 6:

$375/short week

Counsellor-in Training Program

(Two weeks, Ages 13+)

Session 1: June 30-July 11 (excluding July 1)


Session 2: July 28 – August 8 (excluding August 4)


Extended Hours Program

(7:30-9 a.m. and/or 4-5:30 p.m.)

$96/week or $48/week for a.m. or p.m.

Weeks 1 and 6: $76/week or $38/week for a.m. or p.m.


Is your child interested in learning about leadership skills and becoming a camp counsellor? The two-week Counsellor in Training (CIT) program at Trafalgar Castle Day Camp is where kids aged 13+ begin developing leadership skills and learn what it would be like to be a camp counsellor for children and young adolescents. This program is aimed at building confidence in working with children of all ages as well as helping to build the skills needed for future jobs in childcare settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

If campers are not yet 4 years of age (those born later in the year) can they still attend camp?

Unfortunately, we cannot accept campers under the age of four. A camper must be 4 years old at the time they are attending camp.

Camp is offered on a weekly basis and you can register for multiple weeks. You are not required to register your camper for the entire summer.

Campers must register for the entire week. We do not offer registration per day or partial weeks.

All payments should be made to Trafalgar Castle School. Payment methods include:
• Online banking (use the last five digits of your home phone number and include camper name);
• Interac e-transfers to (include camper name); or
• Credit card via Plastiq (third party processor fee applies) at

There is no sibling discount for the Trafalgar Castle School Day Camp.

Cancellations on or prior to May 15, 2024 will receive a full refund of the paid amount, less a $75 administration fee per session cancelled.

Cancellations after May 15, 2024, are not refundable and are not eligible for a credit for any other weeks in Summer 2024 or Summer 2025.

No refund will be made for dismissals due to disciplinary action, late arrivals or early departures.

We offer extended care at an additional fee. Please see the times and rates below:
7:30 to 9 a.m. and/or 4 to 5:30 p.m.
$90/week or $45/week for a.m. or p.m.
Weeks 1 & 6, $72/week or $36/week for a.m. or p.m.

Registration begins at 8:50 a.m. and the camp day begins at 9 a.m. The Camp ends at 4 p.m. We ask that all parents arrive promptly for pick up.

What if my camper has to miss a day of camp or I need to pick up my camper early?

It is important that you email the camp Office at to let the Camp Director know that you are signing your child out early or not attending for a day.

Each camp day begins with a camp song or challenge led by the counsellors. Following this, campers rotate through a number of indoor and outdoor activities, including swimming, archery and drama. Two snacks and lunches are provided.

Wednesday is rock climbing day, Thursday is hired entertainment or counsellor planned camp-wide day and Fridays are dress-up days based on the weekly theme and the parent show! The parent show will take place on Friday from 3:10 to 3:50 p.m.

The camp t-shirt is not mandatory for purchase, although they are popular among the campers! If you purchased a t-shirt upon registration, they will be distributed on the first day of camp.

We encourage all campers to bring sunscreen, a reusable water bottle, a hat and running shoes for outdoor play.
It is also important that they bring their bathing suit, towel, and goggles (if they wish) for swimming. Younger
campers are also encouraged to bring a change of clothes, including clean underwear, in case of any accidents.

Things get forgotten at camp. We do not recommend that campers bring toys to camp. The camp will not be held responsible for lost or damaged items.

Yes, food is provided in a nut-aware environment. We have two snacks: one in the morning and one in the afternoon, along with lunch. Our menu will be posted on our camp website.

All dietary allergies and/or restrictions should be documented in the medical forms component of your
registration. Due to the number of campers, we are not able to accommodate food preferences.

All campers will complete a simple swim test at the beginning of the week to determine if they need to wear a life jacket while in the pool. Parents are also encouraged to share any concerns with the counsellor at the beginning of the week.

We encourage all children to swim in the pool and cannot provide special programming or activities if your child is unable to swim. Children will be supervised during swimming in the pool area at all times.

We have plans and adjustments for hot, humid or rainy weather. Pick-up will remain at the regular time.

Please complete and upload all medical forms/information as part of the registration process. EpiPens will stay on your child’s camp counsellor’s person at all times. EpiPens and other medications can also be stored with the camp nurse.

We take the welfare, experience and safety of each camper very seriously. Our summer staff team is trained in the prevention of bullying. We also have policies and procedures in place to prevent bullying.

A counsellor is expected to always be with campers, which lessens the potential for bullying.

The entire summer camp team is dedicated to fostering a community of care and respect for all campers. Our staff commit themselves to this way of life and model it for the campers. At the beginning of every week, we talk about the importance of being kind to one another and helping everyone have fun while at camp.