Thank you for your support!

Thank you! To everyone who supported the 2019-2020 MIND VOICE HEART Fund – thank you! Here are just a few of the things that you made possible with your donations last year: WINTERIZING THE LOGGIA The heaters are in, the doors were replaced and new windows have been installed. It’s official – the loggia is […]
Trafalgar Annual Report & Fund now available!

Trafalgar’s 2019/2020 Annual Report and the 2020/2021 MIND VOICE HEART Fund (formerly Annual Fund) are now available to view online. Click on the link below to check them out! 2019/2020 Annual Report 2020/2021 MIND VOICE HEART Fund
We Need the Bad to See the Good

Thanksgiving this year was different in a number of ways. Our very small gathering opted for baked salmon instead of roast turkey, we couldn’t visit Grandma because long-term care homes in Ontario are closed to visitors for the foreseeable future, and FaceTime kisses instead of in-person hugs were how we celebrated the First Birthday of […]
Annual Fund Update

We want to thank everyone who has helped support the school through a donation to the Annual Fund so far. While this year has become very different from any other year we have known, you have helped us achieve some amazing things already. Our community really comes together to make this school such a special […]
Annual Fund Impact: You Make a Difference

Spotlight: New iPads for Lower School Design Thinking Curriculum Workplace readiness, applicable ways of thinking and skill requirements all look very different from generation to generation. The skills we needed to get a job were not the same as our parents. Workplace and university readiness are not just topics for our upper grades, but for […]
Annual Fund Impact: You Make a Difference

Spotlight: Pickleball Equipment If you think back to your time in school, it’s likely that phys-ed was either your favourite part of the day or your most dreaded class. Like anything, athletics can be so much fun for one student yet so intimidating for another. When you think about the lasting impact and importance of […]
The Season of Giving

Next Tuesday is #GivingTuesday. As we approach the day dedicated to giving something of ourselves rather than receiving or purchasing something for ourselves, it’s important to reflect on what giving means to us. Giving, community support, shared goals, working toward or contributing to something bigger than ourselves, are values that we are instilling in each […]