It’s Complicated

It’s complicated. That’s what the Toronto District School Board failed to appreciate when it made a pro forma decision to remove two books from a TDSB supported book club for girls, thereby setting off a spectacular social media firestorm of debate. I find it ironic that a public board that talks a good equity game […]
To the Class of 2021

Dr. Foster’s Commencement Address to the Class of 2021 on Trafalgar Day: A few years ago – it was before COVID so it feels like more than a decade ago – we set out to create a new mission statement for our school. An organization’s mission is an important thing. It explains the reason that […]
Are You Busy?

“Dr. Foster, are you busy?” This must be one of my favourite questions to hear when it’s posed by a student. It means that our girls feel comfortable enough to seek me out because they want to share an idea, a dilemma or some important news. And so it was last week when two students […]