Col. Chris Hadfield Inspires Students

At nine-years-old, Col. Chris Hadfield decided he wanted to be an astronaut, around the same age as some of our Lower School students who had the incredible opportunity to speak with the Canadian astronaut and spaceship commander. “I watched Star Trek and 2001: A Space Odyssey as a kid and I thought it was so […]

Blast Off!

Brian Ewenson

It was a pleasure welcoming Brian Ewenson, an aerospace educator and consultant on aviation and space programs, to the School this week. Students had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Ewenson and participate in one of his interesting workshops, ranging from working in space, living aboard the International Space Station and earth exploration using space […]

Houston, We Have a Problem

All Female Spacewalk Blog Image

Did you hear the one about the space agency that invited two women for a spacewalk but forgot it had only had one suit?  Okay, well maybe it didn’t really forget. Maybe it’s just really bad at forward planning.  Or maybe it thought only one woman at a time would ever go on a spacewalk. […]