Over the past several months visual arts teacher Ms. Welbourn has worked hard on a partnership with The Shine Collective. The Shine Collective is a non-profit that’s mission is to “[revolutionize] the workforce by giving talented high school graduates the chance to shine in professional roles at partner companies who advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion.” As part of the partnership, Trafalgar students participated in a Logo Design Challenge to create a logo that best defined The Shine Collective mission.
Students in the upper school community and in the visual arts classes were given 30 days to design and submit concept logos to be used by the non-profit. “This real-world challenge was one that emphasized connection and engaged the girls in the global community, while also fostering a process of deep inquiry and lead them to a greater understanding and empathy for others,” Ms. Welbourn shares.
There were many submissions from Trafalgar students. Marissa L., Arts Prefect, with help of Head Girl, Calia F. ran the contest in the School and in the Grade 11 and 12 visual arts classes. Over the month of December and into the new year Ms. Sheila Avari, The Shine Collective co-founder, along with other members of the organization narrowed the logo designs to six finalists.
On January 13 students met virtually to see which logo was selected as the winner. Sheila spoke to the girls about the significance of their creative contributions to the non-profit and shares, “The Shine Collective team was thrilled to see how you interpreted the mission and brought it to life with your artwork.” Soni Basi, fellow co-founder joined Sheila to speak with the girls and echoes her thoughts, “The heart and soul of any organization is its brand. For you all to think about it in a new way that is so meaningfully displayed in your artwork has been inspiring.”
At The Shine Collective launch party on December 15 guests were shown the logos and asked to vote. Congratulations to Trafalgar student Zoe whose logo was the overwhelming favourite.
Zoe will work with The Shine Collective to finalize a brand concept board that will be used by the organization moving forward. Her logo will be a part of The Shine Collective social media, learning materials, marketing and website.
“The Logo Design Challenge gave students the strength and creative confidence to know that their work can make a difference and have a lasting impact. The girls were inspired to put their ideas into action and contribute to The Shine Collective community,” Ms. Welbourn shares. “Thank you to co-founders Sheila Avari, Soni Basi and Mitra Agcaoili for this amazing opportunity.”
A special thank you to Ms. Welbourn for bringing these wonderful collaborative art projects to Trafalgar Castle students.